Hey Color Kids,
The second episode of the Brite Cast was posted this week. I hope you all are enjoying it. In the meantime I am trying to complete some life milestones. I am still in the process of moving, so things are still slow. However we don't want your waiting to be for naught. In addition to the Brite Cast episode 2 we also posted a NEW press kit to the Rainbow Brite archive.
This press kit is from the FIRST TV specials and features information about Peril in the Pits and the Mighty Monstromurk Menace! Enjoy!
We are still updating Wiki*Brite with new information as well that we discovered from our library research.
Sadly I seem to have miss placed by tablet pen while packing and I need to get some new character drawings done. I've ordered a new pen just in case, which should be delivered in a few days and then perhaps I can work on some more sketches. I hope you like the drawings I've done so far for the site. Here are some samples of what I have done:
Wizard from "Murky's Comet" |
The King of Shadows from Beginning of Rainbow Land |
Fun fact: The Wizard in Murky's Comet looks like Mickey Mouse in the Sorcerer's Apprentice, am I right?!
Don't forget to tune in to Brite Cast, and if there are any thing you would like to share or anything you think would make the website fun, please feel free to contact me. Leave me a comment here or use the comment page on the website!
Take care and Have a Rainbow Day!!!